Our Products
Sensors and Remote Pump Controls
Support Australian manufacturing
Tank and Groundwater Level Sensor NBIoT
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Tank Ultrasonic Level Sensor – NBIoT
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Tank Level Sensor – Nanosatellite
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4G Solar Camera Package
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Annual Platform and Data NBIoT – Tank Level Sensor
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Annual Platform and Data Nanosatellite – Tank Level Sensor
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Yabby products include Sensors, Trackers and Cameras and Platform. The products listed are not an exhaustive list of all the products that we can provide.
We are continually innovating, developing and improving products. The global industry is also developing technology at a rapid rate.
Our products can often have additional sensors or services added and we also provide bespoke solutions. Our solutions come with a choice of NBIoT/CATM1, Nanosatellite, Satellite, Bluetooth, Zigbee and LoRaWAN.
Depending on your budget and operational requirements our sensors can be powered three ways
- Battery powered for long lasting, low powered solutions for monitoring such as daily water levels and rainfall.
- Solar powered for more intense sampling and higher power requirements.
- High powered multichannel datanodes that can measure multiple parameters at once, switch and monitor pumps and a variety of other inputs.
Our products come with 12 months warranty and support

Sensors are remotely monitored with our custom cloud based platform. Interrogate volume
and level trends, change sampling intervals and set SMS and email alerts. Our platform is flexible and modular meaning we can set it up the way you like from our library of maps, charts, gauges and controls.
Easy installation and connection
We offer self install systems saving you costs or we can also install.
Traditional storage level sensors require construction of monitoring stations on the bank and a walkway or cabling to the deepest part of the dam. These systems are prone to failure due to cable damage, solar panel or battery failure, storm impacts (lightning, hail and high winds) or animal and operational impacts. The floating Yabby can be placed at the deepest part of the dam regardless of where that may be and is not constrained by cabling or farm infrastructure.
Your time-series data is relayed to the cloud and reported back instantaneously transforming your data into beautifully presented, actionable information.
Cost effectiveness
The Yabby range of sensors and platform are low cost, compact and technologically advanced.
Site data can be accessed through our custom Yabby platform.
Our sensors can connect through all communication protocol options and the choice depends on many factors such as the scale of your operations and remoteness of your property. Our standard offering due to reliability, coverage and low cost is Telstra’s NB-IoT (Narrow Band IoT). Coverage maps for NB-IoT can be found here.
However, the cost of using other connection options are similar. We can provide the following options if you prefer – Satellite IoT, LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) and on-farm WiFi systems.
More information about connectivity options can be found in the KPMG report ‘Agri 4.0 – Connectivity at our fingertips’.
Sensors and connectivity is technically complex. Professor David Lamb from University of New England recently reported that producers find it challenging to run their own networks and more than 75% of farmers with (internal) on-farm networks rate them as moderately to extremely challenging to maintain and the majority of those producers rely upon a others such as an external consultant to keep the systems running. Moreover, many producers find external connectivity daunting with 61% not even sure where to start.
If you would prefer Yabby can design and install a turnkey solution.
A recent book on the development of IoT noted that there is a lack of a common connectivity standard for wide area wireless IoT connectivity, the book concluded that NB-IoT should win out as it is a standard using licensed spectrum backed by network operators who have deployed a national interoperable network in Australia. LoRa in comparison is based on private deployments which are inherently patchy in terms of coverage in rural and remote areas.
Although we offer all modes of connectivity we have conscientiously developed NBIoT (CAT M1) battery powered sensors as one of our key offering. Studies from densely populated countries who advocate LoRaWAN are not as relevant to regional Australia and they often do not comprehend the connectivity issues due to the tyranny of distance and the infrastructure requirements to achieve ‘regional coverage’.
Benefits of NB IoT/CAT M1
Low cost (on par with LoRaWAN when considering gateway infrastructure),
Greatest range (100km) and coverage (4 Million sq km compared to Telstra mobile coverage of 2.5 million sq km ), underpinned and support by Telstra’s infrastructure
Lowest latency times
Best download capabilities
Long life battery (generally 10 years or more)
Best quality of service
Sensors are directly connected to Telstra towers and not though a gateway or third party application. This means that if the sensor fails it does not impact on the system, however if the gateway fails all sensors connected fail.
What is the best option
Another key finding in the book was that ‘those who buy IoT rarely want just devices, instead they want complete solutions’ . The benefit of working with complete solution providers is that all connectivity technologies should be considered and the best options selected for your property. There is no reason why your property can not have a hybrid of connectivity as all data is transmitted to the same platform. Selection criteria will depend on location, size and remoteness of your property, number of sensors required now and in the future, requirements of the sensor (basic levels, controls etc), sample interval required, latency (timing of signal from sensor to control) and cost amongst other things.